Monday, November 24, 2008

Back-to-School Shopping: REMINDER

I was reading a recent post by Mumsgather just before I left office today. It was indeed a gentle reminder that DH and I should start thinking about doing the Back-to-School shopping for You Jin. I began harrassing my DH since 7pm and finally he agreed that we shall start hunting for all the necessary Back-to-School stuff this weekend.

As this is going to be our first time doing the Back-to-School shopping, we are kind of lost in this area. As parents, we are lost, but You Jin is in HYPER EXCITED mode!

Let's see what do we need...

school uniforms
socks & shoes
stationery (shall buy them in bulk)
books (from the school bookshop)

Anyway, all I can image right now is

The items listed above is just for You Jin. Little Wei Jin is waiting for his share, too. Ouch...

p/s: I shall update the Back-to-School shopping experience once it's done this weekend.


Michael said...

I still rmb my mom didn't help me in choosing bag one LOL. most of the times, I chose it myself. Sometimes i chose those big kor kor typed bag :)

Alvin said...

Oh goodness god! I've totally forgotten that You Jin would be going to Standard 1 when the schools reopen. And yes, he does look like the Kampung Boy! The pants is a little bit too high up his belly lah.. :)

Bet he is all excited with all the fuss that's going around. I'll be posting on my Berlin trip soon. Take care!!

jennykoo said...

I can't wait for Hayden to start school, and then I can start shopping for uniforms too! Shoes! Socks! Handkerchiefs! Name stickers on his bags! Water bottles! And if the lunchboxes are cute enough, it'll tempt me to buy a lunch box too...

And yes, I will remember to put them in HIS bag and not mine. :)

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